Welcome to our Business and ICT department
We offer :
BTEC Level 2 tech Award in Enterprise
You will learn about enterprises, the people who started them and why they start them. You will move on to planning your own enterprise and finish off with an external assessment.
Level 2 BTEC First in Information and Creative Technology.
In this course you can learn about the online world (this is unit is assessed externally), create a digital portfolio and create your own database.
Functional skills in ICT
All of our students take this course to ensure they have the necessary skills for tomorrow.
You will learn skills such as finding and selecting information, as well as developing, presenting and communicating information.
BTEC L3 Nationals Extended Diploma in Business
This course provides knowledge, skills and understanding along with a range of options to reflect the breadth of pathways within the business world. You will gain a broad understanding and knowledge of the business sector, investigate areas that interest you, and develop essential skills and attributes that are prized by employers. In addition to studying key topics such as enterprise, finance and marketing, you can explore a variety of other subjects ranging from recruitment and customer service to corporate social responsibility and business documentation.
These courses will give you a fantastic grounding in whatever you choose to do, going forward. We pride ourselves in providing our learners with sustained support throughout the course with the aim that they leave, ready for the next stage in their lives.
We do look forward to welcoming you.