About Us

Our Staff


Senior Leadership Team  
Executive Principal Mr S Farar
Principal Ms J Kler

Vice Principal (Quality of Education)

Mr J Shafaqat
Assistant Principal (Personal Development, SENCO & Teacher of Business) Ms P Gohir
Subject Leads  
Subject Lead: Science Ms S Ghauri
Subject lead: Maths  TBC
Subject Lead: English TBC
Subject Lead: Health & Social Care & Childcare  Mrs S Chapman
Subject Lead: RE and Equality and Diversity Champion Mr J Metcalfe
Subject Lead: Business  Ms D Ewen
Teacher of English Ms F Jahangir
Teacher of English Ms A Hafeez
Teacher of Mathematics Ms K Munir
Teacher of Mathematics Mr A Reeh
Teacher of Science Mr S Hambeh
Teacher of Science Mrs R Kumar
Teacher of Health & Social Care & Head of 6th Form Mr A Khan
Teacher of Health & Social Care Miss K Nessa
Teacher of ICT  Mr M Ali
Teacher of Art Mr J Simpson
Teacher of SEN/EAL Mr M Kamran
Support Staff  
Student Experience Manager Mr M Sajad
Lead Pastoral and Lead DSL TBC
Learning Coach KS4 Ms S Arfan
Learning Coach KS4 Ms N Begum
Learning Coach KS5 Ms A Mashood
EAL Co-Ordinator  Mr M Oyarzo
Science Technician TBC
Receptionist Miss A Hussain
Admissions Lead and PA to SLT Ms M Chaudhry
Attendance Officer Ms A Rafiq
Careers Lead TBC
Data Manager Mr T Kassim