Our school


Schools and colleges not covering full Progress 8 period

Some schools start educating pupils partway through the 5-year period covered by Progress 8, which should be taken into account when comparing their results with schools that start at Key Stage 3. Progress 8 is not the most appropriate performance measure for university technical colleges, studio schools and some further education colleges. These establishments typically start educating pupils at age 14, with a focus on preparing pupils for their future careers by providing an integrated academic and professional education. Other headline measures, particularly pupil destinations, are more important for these establishments.

2019 KS4 Results

Progress 8

Does not apply to college

Attainment 8


% of students achieving GCSE English and mathematics in 9-5

15% (up from 8%)

% of students entering for the English Baccalaureate (EBacc)*


% of students staying in education or employment after key stage 4 (destinations)


You can view our results as they compare with the national averages by visiting here.